下面我们将为您的庆祝活动分享精彩的资源, courtesy of the Congregation of Holy Cross, including the Midwest Province, the Moreau Province, the United States Province of Priest and Brothers.
The Holy Cross Charism Initiative
On behalf of the Holy Cross Institute at St. 爱德华大学,我们热烈欢迎您加入圣十字神恩计划. 圣十字神恩倡议(HCCI)是圣十字研究所的一个资源, forms, and transforms educators working in Holy Cross schools, colleges, and universities around the country. Consisting of ten educational modules, 神恩计划旨在介绍圣十字传统, 每个模块都涵盖了圣十字身份的一些基本组成部分, such as history, charism, spirituality, or pedagogy.
Ave crux, spes unica!
Leap of Faith Grant Application 2024
国际圣十字兄弟信仰飞跃基金于2021年由Dr. M. Christopher Williams为圣十字国际学校提供资金和/或运营资金. Dr. 威廉姆斯从福里斯特维尔的主教麦克纳马拉高中退休, MD in 2019 after teaching there for 32 years. 在来麦克纳马拉之前,他在苏丹做了三年的志愿教师. 从那里,他写了一封信给当时的麦克纳马拉主教校长,沃尔特·克莱默弟兄,C.S.C.他在没有进行面对面面试的情况下就“大胆地”雇佣了他. 作为对沃尔特修士和影响他一生的圣十字修士的致敬, career and teaching vocation, Dr. 威廉姆斯设立了这个基金,它将通过遗赠来捐赠. Until that time Dr. 威廉斯将以每年的捐款来资助这个奖助金计划.
Throughout his career Dr. Williams continued to travel extensively. 到他退休时,他已经游历了97个国家, 包括在莱克维尤的圣十字中学度过的时光, Uganda, which he has a strong affection for, and Holy Cross High School in Ghana.
设立这个奖助金机会的目的是支持圣十字国际中学社区,为他们提供独特的专业发展机会, program support, and advancement of the mission of the school. 申请必须包括750字的叙述和补充项目预算. The application deadline is February 15, 2024. 获奖者将在圣十字学院网站上公布.
项目必须在收到资金之日起一年内完成并支出. 关于资金使用情况的最后说明和财务报告应在赠款活动完成后90天内提交. 2024年的补助金将颁发给一所学校,金额为3,000美元.
Complete this form, http://stedwards.box.com/s/5z96hr5oxbqsdj621so4237bfi3j2p5c and send to hci@samaritansbg.com by February 15, 2024.
InFormation A Monthly Newsletter from the HCI
Prayers and Litanies
Mass Prayers and Readings Moreau Day (January 20):
Decade of Days (2020)
(Feast of Blessed Basile Moreau thru the Anniversary of Death of Mother Mary of Seven Dolors; from the Marianites of Holy Cross)
Prayer for the Feast of The Exaltation of the Holy Cross - Written and Published by The Holy Cross Institute
Prayer for the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows - Written and Published by The Holy Cross Institute
Prayer for the Anniversary of the Canonization of St. Brother Andre - Written and Published by The Holy Cross Institute
Prayer for Thanksgiving Day - Written and Published by The Holy Cross Institute
Doorkeeper's Challenge: Reflections on St. Brother André Bessette by Whitney Daly
“I AM SENDING YOU A SAINT.” These prophetic words, written in 1870 by Fr. André Provencal, a parish priest in Saint-Césaire Québec, 在Côte-des-Neiges的圣十字兄弟会实习, 谈到了一个有祈祷天赋的年轻人,他后来被称为“蒙特利尔奇迹人”——圣十字的第一位圣人, St. André Bessette, C.S.C. 体验戴利对圣. Andre. (PDF, 36 pages) (click title above to access the PDF)
(PDF, 221 pages) (click title above to access the PDF)
He Went About Doing Good A collection of essays and photos 庆祝雅克·弗朗索瓦·杜贾里神父的一生和工作. (A Holy Cross Institute publication, 38 pages)
The Brothers of St. Joseph by Brother George Klawitter, CSC. (Book, available in three formats, 254 pages)
Christian Education, Abridged, Illustrated by Blessed Father Basile Moreau, CSC (A Holy Cross Institute publication, 52 pages; 2013 edition.)
Part Two, 在莫罗神父的日子里,在法国建立了一所学校, 提供维护学校的实用指导方针,以及有关内容和教学的指示. This edition does not include the text of Part Two.
这一版包括斯蒂芬·沃尔什弟兄的讨论指南,C.S.C., and Brother Joel Giallanza, C.S.C.
使命的伟大:活在圣十字教育的遗产中. 圣十字会的领袖们写的14篇文章的合集, 与现代圣十字教育工作者和领导人的反思. (A Holy Cross Institute publication, 40 pages)
The Holy Cross Institute YouTube channel 还有其他关于过去HCI会议和其他事件的视频吗. 请在方便的时候欣赏这些视频.
2021 - 2022 Webinar Series On Demand Videos
2020 - 2021 Webinar Series On Demand Videos
Celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the Brothers of St. Joseph: 1820–2020. You don't want to miss this 10 part series.
The Foundation (English)
Brother Nich Perez, CSC, 制作了这部简短的纪录片,以庆祝圣约瑟夫兄弟成立200周年,以及他们对今天圣十字使命的影响.
The Early Years Panel Discussion In this video, Br. Phil Smith, Fr. Jim Connelly, and Br. 乔治·克拉维特发表了三篇关于兄弟会早年的简短历史论文. 包括在法国和其他地方开办的不太知名的兄弟会学校的信息,这些学校通常情况困难,学生人数众多. 显示了尽管弟兄们有缺点,他们是如何被神使用来荣耀神的.
The Holy Cross Educator Part 1
Congregation of Holy Cross Family
Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC Rome)
Vocation Office (CSC)
Moreau Province, Austin, TX
MidWest Province, Notre Dame, IN
United States Province of Priests and Brothers (USPPB), Notre Dame, IN
Vocation Office (USPPB)
Marianites of Holy Cross, New Orleans, LA (includes international ministries)
Sisters of Holy Cross, Manchester, NH (includes international ministries)
Sisters of the Holy Cross, Notre Dame, IN (includes international ministries)
Holy Cross Ministries
Family Rosary, Albany, NY
St. Joseph Oratory, Montreal, Canada
Shrine of Blessed Basil Moreau, Le Mans, France
Holy Cross Colleges and Universities
Holy Cross College, Notre Dame, Indiana
King's College, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
St. Edward's University, Austin, Texas
St. Mary's College, Notre Dame, Indiana
Stonehill College, North Easton, Massachusetts
University of Holy Cross, New Orleans, Louisiana
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana
University of Portland, Portland, Oregon
Holy Cross Schools - International
Colegio Dom Amando, Santarem, Brazil
Colegio Notre Dame, Campinas, Brazil
Colegio Santa Maria, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Colegio Santa Cruz Sao Paulo, Brazil
Saint George's College, Santiago, Chile
Colegio Nuestra Señora de Andacollo, Santiago, Chile
Colegio Fe y Alegria 25, Lima, Peru
有关其他国际学校的链接,请参阅圣十字会 Education Ministries list
For photos of international and US schools, see each school's website, or the Congregation of Holy Cross Photo Gallery: Education Around the World
Holy Cross Schools - United States
Academy of the Holy Cross, Kensington, Maryland
Bishop McNamara High School, Forestville, Maryland
Holy Cross High School, Flushing, New York
Holy Cross High School, Waterbury, Connecticut
Notre Dame High School, West Haven, Connecticut
St. Edmond's Academy, Wilmington, Delaware
Archbishop Hoban High School, Akron, OH
Cathedral High School, Indianapolis, Indiana
Gilmour Academy, Gates Mills, Ohio
Holy Trinity High School, Chicago, Illinois
Notre Dame College Prep, Niles, Illinois
St. Edward High School, Lakewood, OH
Cathedral School of Saint Mary, Austin, Texas
St. Ignatius, Martyr, Catholic School, Austin, Texas
San Juan Diego Catholic High School, Austin, Texas
Holy Cross School, New Orleans, Louisiana
Holy Cross School, San Antonio, Texas
Moreau Catholic High School, Hayward, California
Notre Dame High School, Sherman Oaks, California
St. Francis High School, Mountain View, California