我们专注于培养未来的教育工作者,他们已经准备好在多元文化的学校教书,或者在其他教育经历中为青少年和成年人服务. 该计划在民主和社会正义的框架内促进卓越和问责制的教学和学习. 教师努力树立终身学习和勇于冒险的榜样,并在与他人的专业互动中培养批判性和创造性思维.
我们的毕业生通过强大的内容知识和与圣乔治学院更密切相关的东西,继续触及许多其他人的生活. Edward's mission of social justice. 安吉勒克斯('12)体现了我们的节目的精神,通过她的工作作为一个生物教师在德尔谷高中. Lux noted "I love teaching science, but it’s not just about the subject. It’s about who you’re teaching and how you build relationships".
Read more about Save The Teachers
在我们的课程中,学生可以从两种途径中选择一种成为专业教育工作者. 对于那些对课堂教师的角色感兴趣的人来说,我们的教师教育辅修课程是入场券. 对于其他可能希望在相关领域工作的人,我们提供教育研究辅修课程. Both minors include over 100 hours of internships and related field-work at public, private, and parochial schools and other education sites across the region. At the same time, 我们的大学课程以当代教学策略为基础,为以学生为中心提供了一个例子, inquiry-driven instruction. Faculty in the program provide essential structure, 反馈和指导,当学生开始使意义和获得技能和知识的教学和学习的工艺.
Program director and full professor kris sloan began teaching at St. Edward's in 2006. As a rock star educator, 作为社会正义生活学习社区主任,他的工作赢得了同事和学生的尊重和信任, The recipient of the DeLayne Hudspeth Award for Excellence in Teaching, and as the director of multiple graduate degree programs here on the hilltop. As a former Peace corps volunteer, Dr. 斯隆也对国际学习的价值充满热情,并在任职期间多次带领学生出国学习.
Read more about St. Edward's rock star professors
Minor in Teacher Education with 7-12 Teacher Certification
This degree pathway is designed for students who intend to teach Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, History, or English at the secondary level in a middle or high school classroom in Texas.
Transfer Admission (p.8 of 21-22 bulletin)
A transfer student is a high school graduate entering St. Edward’s from another institution of higher learning. A completed application for admission, a nonrefundable $50 application fee, 官方成绩单必须显示在其他地区认可的学院和大学的所有工作. (学分只接受申请表上列出并已提交正式成绩单的高等教育院校的学分.)请注意,未披露在以前机构的注册情况可能导致被大学开除. 大学学分少于30小时的转学申请者必须提交正式的高中成绩单. SAT或ACT的成绩也应该提交给没有完成美国大学英语作文I和II的学生.S.- accredited institution of higher learning. Please visit the transfer student advising webpage for more information.
NEW! 2021-2022 Noyce Teacher Scholarship for Science and Math Majors
This $1.800万美元的联邦拨款旨在鼓励科学和数学专业的学生在大学毕业后成为公立学校的教师. Students may receive up to $40,如果他们同意在教师教育中增加辅修,并在毕业后任教四年,他们将获得学术奖学金. Dr. Steven Fletcher directs this grant.
Application deadlines for 2021-2022
Priority Fall deadline - September 15, 2021 with rolling acceptance until Dec 1 for Spring 2022 awards. 2022年春季优先截止日期:4月15日滚动接受2022年秋季奖项,直到5月1日.
See the Noyce program website for more details or contact Dr. Fletcher directly at stevenf@samaritansbg.com for application information.
St. Edward's Educators (SEE) is a student organization that provides friendship, encouragement and professional development to students pursuing education careers. This group provides St. 爱德华大学为尚未成为教师的教育本科学生提供了一个学前专业组织.
Bilingual Education Student Organization (BESO) 与全国双语教育协会和德克萨斯州双语教育协会合作,在校园和奥斯汀社区推广双语和双文化教育. BESO是一个全国公认的组织,以社区服务为导向,并支持其成员的专业成长.
Dr. 弗莱彻于2006年在德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校完成课程与教学博士学位之前,曾在初中和高中教授生命科学. His passion for understanding the workings of the natural world, keen interest in communities of practice, and firm commitment to social justice serve him well at St. Edward's University, where he has taught both education and science courses. Dr. Fletcher has also been active in pursuing external funding opportunities, from private foundations and the National Science Foundation. 2008年至2018年,他曾担任两项美国国家科学基金会诺伊斯奖学金的首席研究员,并继续活跃在教师教育研究和服务领域.