我们的警察专业人员组成了一个全方位服务的执法机构,每天24小时为大学的安全需求和关注提供服务, seven days a week.
所有警察都是由德克萨斯州颁发执照,并被赋予充分的执法权力和责任. 我们通过持续的教育和对话,维护校园安全的社区警务方法.
Our officers play a daily, active role within the campus community by:
- Conducting routine patrols to deter crime
- Leading bike safety, personal self-defense and crime prevention classes
- Creating awareness of fire and safety hazards
- 与校园社区和学生会合作,提供一个安全的校园
We also emphasize prevention, 与校园维护和绿化人员密切合作,维护大学建筑和场地,以确保安全.
Reporting a Crime On Campus
To immediately report a crime in progress on campus, please call 911 and the University Police Department at 512-448-8444. You may also use complete the SEU Crime Incident Report Form or submit an Anonymous Tip.
Daily Crime & Fire Logs
这些日常犯罪和火灾日志是根据Jeanne cleery披露校园安全政策和校园犯罪统计法案规定的规定提供的. 其他有关校园安全和犯罪活动的大学出版物可能不会使用相同的指导方针, and therefore, may not contain comparable information.
To request archived log information or printed versions, 请在正常工作时间内亲自到警察局或致电(512)448-8444.
Crime Advisories
犯罪咨询信息是大学承诺提供校园区域犯罪信息的一部分,符合联邦Jeanne cleery披露校园安全政策和校园犯罪统计法案中的及时预警要求, Clery Act, as it is commonly known.
Crime Prevention
We offer a variety of crime prevention programs to educate our students, staff, and faculty in ways they can prevent themselves from becoming victims on or off campus. 我们的预防犯罪项目对任何学生、教职员工都是免费的. Request a crime prevention program.
Armed Intruder Response
校园安全办公室提供了一个演示和讨论武装入侵者的准备技术, warning signs, and survival tactics, accompanied by a question and answer section. Training is recommended for all units at all levels, including students. Classes are generally scheduled at least one month in advance. 校园安全人员将在培训前巡视所需的建筑物或区域,并提出保护措施建议. 然后,建议将显示在平面图上,供建筑物具体行动计划使用,并包括在培训中. 根据要求,在初始训练后的几周内,可以选择无通知演习. Schedule your training or call (512) 448-8444 for more information.
Self-Defense Training
大学警察局在整个学年为女学生提供免费的自卫课程, faculty and staff. In an atmosphere of support, 通过减少危险因素和学习基本的身体自卫技巧,你会更有准备地处理潜在的暴力. You will learn strategies to increase personal safety and awareness, boundary assertion skills and self-defense techniques. Class format includes discussion, physical training, simulation exercises and information about support services. Schedule your training or call (512) 448-8444 for more information.
Bicycle Registration & Safety
我们强烈鼓励自行车车主在正常工作时间到大学警察局登记,以获得一个特殊的徽章, 如何防止单车失窃,并在单车失窃时协助辨认/重新团聚. If you bike is missing, 立即致电大学警察局(512)448-8444检查是否被扣押或报告被盗.
Share the Road Texas strives to educate both cyclists & motorists on college campuses about bicycle laws, safe riding behaviors and the importance of motorist awareness of bicycles on the road.
Drivers are encouraged to:
- look for bicycles before turning at an intersection or driveway,
- look for bicycles before opening the door of a car parked on the street and
- allow plenty of room when passing a bicycle.
Cyclists are reminded to:
- observe all traffic signs and signals,
- follow right-of-way rules at intersections and
- use lights and bright colors to make themselves as visible as possible.
The campaign is online at sharetheroadtexas.org, Facebook, and Twitter.
Safety Escorts and Vehicle Assistance
When an officer is available, the University Police Department is happy to provide campus safety escorts, at any time, for students, faculty and staff who have a legitimate safety concern. 护送人员可乘车或步行,视情况和警官的判断而定.
Vehicle jump-starts are also available on campus for free. All you need is a current St. Edward’s University I.D. 或者拿着驾照,一名警官会尽快被派到你所在的地方.
Registered Sex Offenders
In accordance with the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act of 2000, 修正雅各布·韦特林侵害儿童罪和性暴力罪犯登记法, the Jeanne Clery Act and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, the St. Edward’s University Police Department is providing a link to the Texas Public Sex Offender Registry, maintained by the Texas Department of Public Safety.
该法案要求高等教育机构发布一份声明,告知校园社区,从哪里可以获得州提供的有关登记在案的性犯罪者的执法信息. 它还要求已经被要求在一个州登记的性犯罪者提供其所在州的每个高等教育机构的通知, carries a vocation or is a student. 如欲查询在圣. Edward’s University may search the Texas Public Sex Offender Registry by Institution of Higher Education.
Public Information Requests
Beginning September 1, 2015, St. 爱德华将根据德州公共信息法案(PIA)将大学警察局仅与执法有关的记录向公众开放。, Texas Government Code, Chapter 552, as amended by Senate Bill 308, unless the records are exempt from disclosure by the PIA or other law.
大学警察部门负责维护所有仅与执法有关的记录,并根据PIA进行披露. The University Police Department is open to the public from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday and closed on weekends and University holidays.
In Person (during normal business hours)
St. Edward's University Police Department
3001 South Congress Avenue, Operations Building Room 219
Austin, Texas 78704
By Mail
St. Edward's University Police Department
3001 South Congress Avenue, Mailbox 1053
Austin, Texas 78704
By Fax
(512) 428-1008 Attn: Homer Huerta
By Email
All correspondence must be clearly marked “Public Information Request.” Be sure to include:
- Your name,
- Your mailing address,
- Your phone number, and
- A list/description of the records you need, preferably with dates. The more accurate and specific you can be, the faster the records can be located.
警察局将审查所有公开记录的书面请求,并在10个工作日内对请求作出回应. In response to a request, the Police Department may:
- 如不能及时提供资料,则通知提出要求者,并订定在合理时间内提供资料的日期和时间;
- 请求德克萨斯州总检察长办公室对任何信息作出裁决,这些信息是联邦警察部门希望根据《365bet足球比分》不向公众披露的, and send a copy of the request for ruling, or a redacted copy, to the requestor; or
- 将365比分网电竞与法律规定不得公开的信息区分开来,及时向公众提供信息.
The requestor will receive a written statement of estimated charges when necessary, in advance of work being started, and have the opportunity to modify the request in response to the itemized statement. Fees will be calculated in accordance with Section 70.3 of the Texas Administrative Code. 请求者可以选择是否查看被请求的信息,这些信息在正常工作时间免费提供给SEU警察局, or receive or make copies of the records for a fee as may be allowed by law.
Additional information on the PIA and Senate Bill 308 can be found at the following links: