
Guided Hikes for School Field Trips Are Available!

Trained trail guides are ready to take your students on an outdoor learning adventure in the Preserve. School field trips are offered Tue - Fri mornings. Download the flyer for additional details: 学校导赏远足传单

To schedule a field trip for fall or spring, email wbedu@samaritansbg.com 或致电512-326-7058. 

We encourage a $5/student donation to help cover program costs. 公车报销 is currently available for Title 1 and low-income schools. Please call or email with questions or to schedule a trip for your students.  我们期待收到您的来信.



看到 参观自然保护区

Educational resources and opportunities for teachers, faculty, and artists. 

多年来, Wild Basin has served as a valuable resource to area schools for site-based environmental education. As the pandemic increased the need for virtual learning, the 野生盆地创意研究中心 has supported area schools with STEM-based webcasts for 4th - 8th graders, and a reading series for pre-K - 3rd graders.

我们提供 St资源. 爱德华的教师 to teach 在野盆地, as well as resources to support their student researchers. 

驻场艺术家(AIR)计划 在野盆地 supports professional artists in the Austin area and an inspirational environment in which to work.



科学的生活! 在野盆地 is an hour-long live webcast series showcasing real field science happening 在野盆地 and other Balcones Canyonlands Preserve lands. We explore natural science themes and make real science accessible to middle grade students with a live Q&与科学家进行一次无线交流. 推荐4 -8年级.

第一集:高飞的科学  (2020年11月播出)
机器人能帮助拯救鸟类吗? 野外生物学家是做什么的? Join Wild Basin staff for a live synchronous virtual program about Austin birds and some ways that biologists are going "high tech". 特别直播Q&A with field biologist and Wild Basin Research Director Dr. 达伦Proppe.

第1部-“带鸟”奥斯丁市生物学家Dr. 劳雷尔·莫尔顿,7分钟.
第2部分-“映射音景”, 8分钟.
第三部分-“天上的间谍”, 5分钟.
完整的节目-科学直播! 在Wild Basin, High Flying Science, 55分钟.
科学直播! YouTube上的播放列表  -所有剧集和视频

第二集:生物多样性侦探 (2021年4月播出)
哪些动物在野生盆地漫游? What is it like to work at a nature preserve? Join us for a free live virtual program featuring three field science projects that help gauge biodiversity on the preserve. 我们将把预防野火联系起来, 清除入侵物种, and wildlife camera studies in a packed hour-long program. 特别直播Q&A与野外生物学家. 芭芭拉·杜格尔比博士. Amy Concilio and Preserve Manager Niki Lake. 

第一部分-“意外后果” 与圣. 爱德华大学教授. Amy Concilio, 7分钟.
第二部分-“追逐入侵者”, with Preserve Manager Niki Lake, 8分钟.
第三部分-“野外间谍”,与主任博士. 芭芭拉·杜格尔比,8分钟.
科学直播! YouTube上的播放列表  -所有剧集和视频

Curriculum and lessons for self-guided visits to Wild Basin.

New curriculum guides for educators serve as an introduction and guide to exploring Wild Basin with students. Each guide offers information about the preserve, suggested questions and critical thinking strategies, 词汇表, TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) correlations, 样的活动, 文学的连接, 以及户外学习资源的链接.




K-2级:昆虫、种子和图案, .pdf, 4mb.



Grades 3-5: Food Chains, Animal Evidence, and Fossils, .pdf, 9mb.

Animal Environments, Seasons, and Aquifers


Grades 3-5: Animal Environments, Seasons, and Aquifers, .pdf, 2.6 MB.



Grades 6 - 8: 动物特征、流域和岩石, .pdf, 1mb

Environmental Justice Videos and Curriculum 

Environmental Justice: Making a Difference in Austin; 14:20min.

Environmental Justine 在野盆地: Now or Never; 10min.


Supplement your school visit to Wild Basin with these natural science lessons for the classroom. 每节课包括:课程目标, tek相关性, 材料, 程序, 扩展建议.


We would like to thank our 2022-2023 funding partners:

雅各 & Terese好时基金会